The internal geometry of all vehicles is different. As with most rear-facing child seats, it may be necessary to adjust the front seats so that there is additional space available in the back seat for proper fit and installation.
The amount of front passenger space will vary mostly depending on the angle of your front vehicle seats. Putting your front vehicle seats on a more upright recline angle will certainly increase the amount of legroom while still allowing for the seat to fit behind in many cases.
The Foonf also tends to take up less fore-aft space than the Fllo, because its extra height often allows the front seat to sit a bit further back in relation to the car seat.
Please note that we do allow for the Foonf to touch the back of your vehicle seats provided it is not being pushed or braced by it. This means that if you move the front vehicle seat up, the convertible seat's position and installation should not be affected.
Please contact Customer Support at 1-866-656-2462 or for available vehicle-specific fit information.
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