Please follow the below instructions if your Foonf's rigid UAS (LATCH) Release Handles are stuck out of position and not allowing you to release the connectors.
This tab usually becomes bent as such when the handle is pulled too firmly or too far. We recommend always ensuring the UAS connectors are FULLY extended before pulling the release handles, as the rigid UAS connectors will only disengage once they are fully and evenly extended.
Re-align Rigid UAS Release Handle
Step 1
Locate the handle's guiding tab.
Step 2
While pulling on the handle, push the tab back into alignment using your fingers or small pliers, and the handle should slide back into place as demonstrated here.
Should the red Release Handles still not function properly, the Troubleshooting Tool found at the back of the seat can be used to manually disengage the rigid UAS connectors.
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